Perry Mason: Az üvegkoporsó esete 1991

Crime Drama

David Katz is a world famous magician and he comes to Denver with his group to perform for a charity gala for disabled children. Also there is Perry and Della as all three are supporters of the charity. Kate Ford, an assistant wit...

Tous les titres
  • US: Perry Mason: The Case of the Glass Coffin Perry Mason: The Case of the Glass Coffin
  • FI: Perry Mason: Lasisen ruumisarkun tapaus Perry Mason: Lasisen ruumisarkun tapaus
  • FR: Perry Mason - Le cercueil de verre Perry Mason - Le cercueil de verre
  • DE: Perry Mason und der gläserne Sarg Perry Mason und der gläserne Sarg
  • IT: Perry Mason: La bara di vetro Perry Mason: La bara di vetro
  • PL: Perry Mason: Szklana trumna Perry Mason: Szklana trumna
  • PT: Perry Mason: O Caso do Caixão de Vidro Perry Mason: O Caso do Caixão de Vidro
  • RO: Perry Mason: Cazul sicriului de sticla Perry Mason: Cazul sicriului de sticla
  • RU: Перри Мейсон: Дело о стеклянном гробе Перри Мейсон: Дело о стеклянном гробе
  • RU: Стеклянный гроб Стеклянный гроб
  • RU: Стеклянный гроб Стеклянный гроб
  • ES: Perry Mason: El caso del ataúd de cristal Perry Mason: El caso del ataúd de cristal
  • US: Perry Mason: The Case of the Glass Coffin Perry Mason: The Case of the Glass Coffin
Date de sortie 14 May 1991
Lien IMDb
